Prayer Ministry is an essential element for a praying church. He or she is a person who will help to integrate prayer into the total life of the church and church calendar - at the conference level, and at the local church.
Persons interested in this ministry should possess the following: (1) a strong personal prayer life; (2) spiritual maturity; (3) gifts to organize, encourage, and give leadership in prayer emphases; (4) a good reputation in the church and the confidence of church leaders; (5) enough time to attend key pray events.
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Dec 16 - Dec 22 Esther and Mordecai
This Weeks Sabbath School Lesson Any questions or comments Added Details Your Email Address Email Questions or Comments Email your questions,...
Prayer Ministry
Prayer Ministry is an essential element for a praying church.
Audio Visual
We record our services each week. If you would like a DVD, please fill out a media form located on the rack in the lobby, then return it to Tony or another AV member.
Church Blog
Various blog posts relating to past or upcoming activities at Atlanta Belvedere SDA Church
"Walking Free" - Prayer & Praise Service
Name Address Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria...